TWO COMPONENTS of Scout Registration:
Troop 175 Registration: this happens every fall for all Scouts in the Troop
BSA Registration: this happens annually. Click here for details about BSA Registration or transferring an existing BSA registration.
Troop 175 Registration: ALL SCOUTS Every Fall
This annual process is for ALL Scouts of the Troop. We register in the fall BEFORE the upcoming year.
Deadline: Nov. 1 of each year
Yearly registration begins in late August of each year and ends November 1.
ONE: Submit your online Intent to Participate form
TWO: Turn in hard copies of paperwork & dues
Medical Form Parts A & B: BSA Medical Form A and B (pdf).
Print, fill out, and hand in hard copies of medical forms.
Copy of your health insurance card (front and back).
A check for your yearly dues made out to Troop 175 (the form will give you the total amount).
Please submit your paperwork and payment in one complete package to David Leonard at a Troop meeting. He will not accept piecemeal submissions.
BSA Registration: Scouts & Adults
In addition to registering with Troop 175, every scout and one parent must be registered with the BSA. The BSA registration process is completed when the boy joins Scouting. Cub Scout memberships can be transferred to Troop 175, and you can also transfer membership from one Troop to another.
Once your son is registered or transferred to Troop 175, we will see and approve your registration online, which will officially place your son in the Troop. We’ll set him up in our Troopmaster Scouting software and will send you login info.
If you’re a transfer from Cub Scouts or another Troop…
If you’re crossing over from an active Cub Scout membership, please contact your former Cubmaster. If you’re transferring from another Troop, contact your former Scoutmaster. It’s a very simple process using a BSA online tool to transfer your scout to our Troop.
If you son is new to Scouting…
Register your son and yourself online with BSA here.
Note: Plan to spend an hour registering and completing the mandatory Youth Protection Training.
If you already have your son’s BSA ID from a former (or lapsed) Pack or Troop membership, select “Yes” for the first screening question of “Is this youth a current/former Scout?”
If you do not have his BSA ID, sign him up as a new scout. There’s a one-time sign-up fee and BSA dues. You’ll pay this via credit card during online registration.
Adult BSA Registration (1 hour to complete)
Troop 175 requires each scout to have a parent registered with BSA. If you aren’t already registered, you will need to complete an adult registration for at least one parent. The Adult registration begins here.
Youth Protection Training (YPT)
You must take the BSA Youth Protection Training online course before you can submit the adult registration. Please note that YPT takes approximately one hour, so plan ahead. It’s required, and you won’t regret it.
Background Check
As part of the BSA registration process, all newly registered adults will be screened with a criminal background check.
Payment, Scout Accounts & Popcorn Funds
Scouts may use funds from their Scout account to pay for part/all of their dues. If you would like to know your Scout’s account balance (including money earned selling popcorn), please email Troop treasurer Joe Snider.
If you have registration questions, please look for David Leonard at Troop meetings or send him an email.
Need help with Costs?
We don’t want financial considerations to keep a boy from participating in Scouts. The Troop 175 Fallen Eagle fund will help Scouts with registration costs if their families are going through a rough time. Your son can also earn money for his Scout account by selling popcorn. If you’re considering leaving Scouts for financial reasons, or if you know someone who is not participating because of registration costs, etc., please contact Scoutmaster Kevin Wyatt. Scouting is a great program and we don’t want anyone to miss out on its benefits because they can’t afford the cost.